all postcodes in TF9 / MARKET DRAYTON

find any address or company within the TF9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF9 1AA 9 3 52.903445 -2.483962
TF9 1AD 5 0 52.903495 -2.483473
TF9 1AE 12 1 52.906967 -2.487407
TF9 1AF 18 1 52.902598 -2.485158
TF9 1AG 4 0 52.901314 -2.484772
TF9 1AH 1 0 52.901703 -2.484166
TF9 1AJ 6 1 52.901591 -2.489636
TF9 1AL 4 0 52.900774 -2.489463
TF9 1AN 33 0 52.900705 -2.490116
TF9 1AP 7 0 52.900502 -2.492047
TF9 1AQ 4 2 52.901806 -2.485402
TF9 1AR 28 0 52.900417 -2.492983
TF9 1AS 10 0 52.900332 -2.494126
TF9 1AT 17 0 52.900023 -2.494926
TF9 1AU 3 0 52.899836 -2.494522
TF9 1AW 24 0 52.900642 -2.49074
TF9 1AX 25 0 52.899521 -2.494444
TF9 1AY 19 0 52.899754 -2.492618
TF9 1AZ 27 0 52.899301 -2.495438
TF9 1BA 40 0 52.897834 -2.495852